Hailey Jutz (MRRVOT), Becca Sorlien-Riewer (Frazee OT), Lauren Aderson (Perham OT)
The afternoon was a blast as we got to watch the girls strut their stuff in their outfits they plan on wearing for competition at Miss Minnesota's Outstanding Teen on April 6th. Along with interviews of the sister queens and princesses. All of the girls looked beautiful and did such a great job promoting their platforms! One last appearance to help prepare them for MNOT! Good luck Hailey and the other girls as well!!
Group Shot!!
Lauren Anderson, Miss Perham's OT 2012 and my Princess Altona 2011 :)
Family photo!
Hailey Jutz, Miss Red River Valley OT; Lexie Moe, Red River Valley Princess
One of my sister queens, Lexie Moe, Red River Valley Princess
Miss Perham, Leah Wuebben and I supporting our sister queens at their send off!
Just a reminder that there are 5 days left in March!! Keep the madness going and donate food or funds to your local food shelf!! Be A Hero!!
God Bless